Properties and application:

  • Made of high quality steel

Technical data:

N.ER.S, 9833
apx nakretka9833N.ER.Szdj nakretka_9883_rys
ER16 32 17,5 N.ER16.S
ER20 35 19,0 N.ER20.S
ER25 42 20,0 N.ER25.S
ER32 50 22,5 N.ER32.S
ER40 63 25,5 N.ER40.S


N.ER.S, 9833-D
apx nakretkaER9833-Dzdj nakretka_9883-D_rys
ER16 28 17,5 N.ER16.SW


N.ER.MINI, 9833-S
apxNAKRETKA9833-Szdj nakretka_9883-S_rys
ER16 22 18 N.ER16.MINI

apx nakretka9833N.ER.Szdj1 clamping nut ER


Mounting collets in screw-on caps:

Tulejka zaciskowa ER DIN 6499B do narzędzi z chwytem walcowym (DM-70)

Mounting the collet in the cap
of a toolholder

Properly mounted collet Unmounting of the collet

For proper mounting of ER collet follow these steps:

  • Put the collet into the cap at slight angle
  • Hook the groove of the collet on eccentric or cylindrical edge of the collet (fig. A)
  • Jam the collet into the cap (fig. B)
  • Screw the cap with collet on the toolholder, so that mounting of the machined tool is possible

Max mounting diameters in regard to ER collet size:

Tulejka zaciskowa ER DIN 6499B do narzędzi z chwytem walcowym (DM-70)